About Me

Me quenching my thirst.

Greetings and cheers to you adventurer for braving to this section of the site.  Let me tell you the tale of how this Games master came to be. 

Many moons ago, I was introduced to D&D by a high school friend who ran a solo game for me via the AD&D system.  Needless to say I was hooked from that moment onward.  But that friend sadly soon moved away and I was left trying to find people to play with.  Resources back in the day were at least somewhat easy to come by from the friendly neighbourhood library, but not so much in finding players sadly. :(

That all changed luckily when Milton Bradly in collaboration with Games Workshop released a board game called: "HeroQuest" in the early 90s.  This finally gave me a chance to foray in the world of DMing, as well becoming a gateway game for players who never ventured into RPGs before.  Alas I still remember fondly the particular Christmas season that I spotted that game on the shelf during a boxing day sale..

Now with 20+ years of experience, I stand before you to pass along my passion of games; whether they be in the form of TTRPGs, card games or board games.  If slowly but surely I can do my part to entice people to enjoy social interactions in a safe and fun environment through games, maybe...just maybe the world may be in a better place.  At the very least, it would demonstrate how people can indeed play nice together and create really amazing things.